Czech puppet theatre is more than known. I hope even beyond puppetry "circles". Czech theatre companies have mostly good stage design and nice marionettes. Divadlo Anpu from Prague brought to Gent their "peepshow" La Chambre Séparée (Separate room). Eventhough their "Chambre" got almost totally wet in the rain, they didn't give up and introduced their Erotic Cabaret to many visitors...
There was a children version and adult version too. We could see the adult one. Thru a keyhole. And it looked so good. Vintage and dirty. I can't show, you must take a look inside yourself ;)
Also very typicall for czech theatre (but also czech movies, song, books... ) is their humor. There's something about it, and I'm sure it isn't just because the culture is so close to me.
Theater of Víťa Marčík was performing their show about Snowhite in French. But really cute French. Mixing with spanish and czech and english too. They had perfect interaction with the audience and everybody was enjoying. It even stopped raining.
Maybe you pass by some festival of puppet theatre. If you see in the program in brackets after a name of some theatre company "CZ", go and see. Might be a good one.