I know it's been a long time. My new year resolution to make a post three times a week - total fail!
But I had a very nice experience this afternoon, which I'd like to share with you. And yes, it's about garbage and plums and puppets.
What fascinates me most was the pure accident, that I found out about this puppet show just yesterday by searching for something completely different. But here we go, Bulgarians in Ghent, I couldn't miss it! :)
Bulgarian theatre PRAC (Pro Rodopi Art Centre) is right now on a tour in the Netherlands but they also had one show programmed in Belgium, here in Ghent.
Garbage for Plums is a story inspired by an old Bulgarian folktale. It's about a man, who travels on his donkey (turned magically into a special garbage disposal car) and he is looking for a wife, who would be very pretty and also very handy and would love to clean the house. (ok, ok it's folklore...) :)
The audience had the pleasure to meet three funny candidates. A fat opera singer who exchanged her garbage for a plum jam, but the man didn't like her very much. Than the old lady, who got for her garbage a bottle of plum schnapps, but no, the man also didn't like her so much. Than came the third girl, young, blond, wearing traditional white dress and she loved to clean up! She didn't have any garbage to dispose, so she got only a one single plum. But she won the heart of the man and got also one shiny diamond ring and the promise of never ending love.
Joyful story, full of energetic traditional music, which made almost all of us join the wedding party and dance with the actress at the end.
Here are few pictures for you. I left the kids to sit in the front, so I didn't have the best view. But we were introduced to three interesting puppets, all of them attached to the body of the actress. And one super cute donkey. Check out more pictures and more information about theatre PRAC here.