I know it's been months... But honestly the blogger wasn't really my best friend for a while and I was busy with many other amazing things (like festivals and drama and taking pictures of our cats and posting them on instagram... oh, and did I mention the flu?)
"Es ist so weit" and I am heading to Vienna, the heart of Europe, for a small tour again!! Well, not so small, 8 shows in one week, I think it's not so bad...
As I am already few days obsessed with packing and not forgetting anything for the trip, I decided to introduce you to the mystery of one traveling puppeteer. So here's just a fragment of all you need if you take your puppets (and yourself) abroad.
Absolutely the most important is a suitcase. Never leave your suitcase at home! It's the item which defines a puppeteer. Right?
You never know, when you'll need it. It totally solves many kinds of situations. It makes people wonder, it confuses, it makes children laugh and scream. (It manipulates them a little bit too.) And of course it makes bubbles!
How to make the 13 hours of driving a bit more bearable? Yes, I've got some music. And a radio. But let's be honest here. The german radio stations aren't really a pleasure to listen (and I am going to drive around 700 km through Germany). But this time I am having a great evil plan!! I will listen to audio books!!
Did you know it was snowing in Munich already? I chose Andersen's fairytale about the Snow Queen, here's the nostalgic slovak version. (Isn't it a bit disturbing, that I still don't have the winter tires?)
When I cross the boarder with Austria, and I will be able to tune FM4, I'll know I am close. And than they say: You're at home, baby. (It's their slogan. It's not like they would really tell me, that I am at home.)
But will it still feel like home? Let's see. Grüß Gott!