Thursday, October 9, 2014

Back to the dark rooms

Finally it's again cold and dark outside and we can go hide in warm theatres and although it's dark there too, it's magical and special and we see beautiful things, or even scary things and things flying or falling or things in suitcases or things on strings...
I did it recently and went to see a show for the small ones called "Meer dan Beer" - meaning More than a bear. And here I choose three of my favourite moments of this visual/musical experience.

1. It all starts with this soft Teddy Bear waking up in his suitcase...


2. The wallpapers!


3. The most multifunctional/extremely professional puppet theatre stage!


All of this is made by and performed by Maarten Van Aerschot from Tal en Thee figurentheater, Belgium.


  1. Dostala jsem se sem úplnou náhodou (nebo že by náhody fakt neexistovaly?) ;) a už se tu rochňám blahem. Krása, spousta skvělé inspirace. Díky moc. ;)

  2. Dakujem, Vivi!! Takyto feedback velmi potesi a nakopne!! :) "Svet je maly a o nahody v nem neni nouze." :)


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